Rubbing Shoulders with Giants…

In 1913, having spent long hours working in a freezing cold laboratory on Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, father and son physicists William and Lawrence Bragg made a ground-breaking discovery for which they received the Nobel Prize in Physics two years later. Their development of X-ray crystallography, a method which uses the scattering of X-rays to reveal the atomic arrangement of crystals, not only transformed our understanding of matter but also opened up an exciting new field of research in which a generation of young scientists went on to make a nameĀ forĀ themselves. One of these was Professor Tony North, who started his career working with Lawrence Bragg before coming to Leeds in 1972 to lead the Astbury Centre for Structural Biology. On Thursday 30th January Leeds Phil and Lit Society will be hosting an event in which I’ll be in conversation with Tony as he shares his recollections of this journey which not only saw him pioneering the application of computing to biological structures, but rubbing shoulders with a fair number of Nobel Prize winners on the way…